Thursday, March 27, 2008

Saving Communities Group to hold Meet in the Fort

S.T.R.O.N.G. is a Northern Ontario nonprofit group from a dozen communities in Northern Ontario. Its main objective is to prevent the destruction, dismantling and ongoing depopulation of Northern Ontario communities that is happening as a result of poor or discriminatory government policies, as well as the failure of multinational corporations to adapt, reinvest and innovate in Northern Ontario by adding value to the region’s raw resources.
The President of the group, Al Simard will be at CNC in Fort St. James to talk about the experiences which are very similar to ours.
"Despite contributing enormously to provincial government coffers, both regions have a profound sense of alienation from the provincial legislatures and corporate boardrooms to the South."
Mark this on your calendar:
Fort St. James:
7pm, Monday, April 21
Fort St. James Campus, College of New Caledonia

Simard is also scheduled to speak in Prince George and Mackenzie
--- full story from Opinion 250

Project Endurance

Canfor is embarking on Project Endurance, a plan to run Apr 1 2008 - Apr 1 2009 to reduce all costs by 10%. It's also asking contractors to follow along. As in the near future, they'll be 'enduring' rising fuel costs and a newly imposed Carbon Tax, it means they are being asked to submit 10% lower bids when costs will be higher than they are now. We realize Canfor's lost $360 million last ear, but really, how much are people supposed to endure? Proposing that if people suffer even more, things will improve? Or shall they suffer even more before the inevitable end?
This ring's with all the promise of George Bush's Iraqi "Enduring Freedom", a really bad choice of name to tag the Canfor project with.
--- read full story on

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Courts Approve P & T Sale

The sale of our local P & T mill has cleared the BC Supreme Court and U.S. Bankruptcy courts and is now awaiting regulator clearance.
The $6 million sale to Sinarmas Group is the sorry end to Pope & Talbots $39 million star acquisition from Canfor, and there is no mention of future plans from the new owner.
-- more info from the PG Citizen

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chief Warns Mt. Milligan

Nakazdli Chief Fred Sam warned Mt. Milligan not to toot it's own horn so much until it settles matters like jobs and revenue sharing with the local Nakazdli Nation.

"This proposal by Terrane at Shus Nadloh requires the free, prior and informed consent of our people and the discussions with the Crown and the company are not proceeding well," asserted Sam.

Shus Nadloh is the First Nation's name for Mount Milligan.

Sam said if the company, mining association and the province keep ignoring the Nak'azdli's rights, the project will not get to the construction phase.

Sam reiterated that the Nakazdli Band is not opposed to the mine.
--- full text PG Citizen

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Millgan touted as "Next mine to open in BC"

The Mount Milligan gold and copper project, north of Prince George, was named among the leading contenders to be the next mine to open in B.C. by provincial mining officials.

Speaking to reporters by tele-conference Tuesday from a major international mining convention in Toronto, Dan Jepsen, the CEO of the Association of Mineral Exploration B.C, said it was a "no-brainer" to develop Terrane Metal's Mount Milligan project, which had been permitted once already, that time under Placer Dome.

---PG Citizen