Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Canadians Want Aid For Forest Industry

The results of a new poll by Nanos Research for the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) come as major forest companies in Canada face an immediate debt crisis.
The poll showed that 60% of Canadians agreed or somewhat agreed that federal and provincial governments should financially support the forest industry to prevent more companies from failing. Just 32.1% disagreed or somewhat disagreed with government support for forestry companies.

--Unfortunately, the Softwood Lumber Agreement specifically bans any aid that would benefit our own industry. A major reason why much of the money returned after the signing of the Agreement was used by Canadian mills to purchase US operations instead of modernizing and upgrading their own.

Here's the link to the full article

Close to home, the Mackenzie Pulp mill will not be firing up before next spring.
Mackenzie mill will be winterized, no plans to restart before spring

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