Thursday, April 3, 2008

Now P&T Sale Drags On.........

Well we're used to it, everything dragging on and on and on. Nothing in the Fort ever comes to a quick, decisive conclusion. The last post on Deadwood Chronicles contained the mine's disclosure of a 2012 date for full operation when our whole town was led along to expect a 2010 date.
Today, it's reported "paperwork" issues will delay the sale of P&T, which we were all awaiting Friday, until the end of the month.
Well we live with this every day. As we hear around town, everything is slow. We even 'only pay' for overnight courier service here. We'll put on our phoney smile and revel in the photo on the front page of our local rag that both levels of government combined have managed to cough up enough money to almost buy one of those P&T worker's foreclosed homes so we can fill in the potholes and make new sidewalks to panhandle on.
----story from

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