Saturday, June 14, 2008

Booked your Moving Van yet? More wait and see...

The courst have granted P&T another extension on the sale of their 3 BC mills. They now have until July 7th to gather offers.
Hurry up and wait some more, which should be adopted as a motto for our town where absolutely nothing, ever, comes to a speedy conclusion.
The delays have been so numerous the P&T sale has become un-newsworthy in the major papers, like "Dog Bites Man".
Read about it here in the PG Citizen, or here on opinion250, or here on financial news if you really want to get further depressed.
Worker options have been reduced to move or hope that this area of BC will be granted the status of some isolated Newfoundland outport and grant EI extensions. The second option carries with it the warning that even with an EI extension, that too will be run out by the time the mill becomes operational again.

1 comment:

herbster said...

Has anyone approached Virgin Green Fund yet? They have been making noises about investing in cellulosic ethanol, and with two empty pulpmills in Mackenzie with a large wood source, this could be an opportunity. To say nothing of the carbon credits that could be had by harvesting beetle killed wood. Long odds, but worth a shot.