Friday, May 30, 2008

P&T Sale Opened to Other Buyers, Mackenzie On The Mind

BC Supreme Court ruled against AP&P and the sale of the Takla Mill is now open to other buyers. The Court ruled AP&P had it's chance, failed to close the deal and now has no right to try to claim the mill for a paltry $6 million. It will have to compete against any potentially higher offers from the open market. PricewaterhouseCooper (the bankruptcy trustee) says it has received 6 expressions of interest and thinks it can get a much better offer.
The Court will also be ruling on how much the Province of BC will be on the hook for cleanup should the mill, the one in Mackenzie and Harmac go down for good.
---here's the story reported by The Sun
Meanwhile Even Our Closest Neighbours Have Mackenzie On The Mind
as the Prince George Citizen headlines
Mackenzie hoping buyer will operate mill

then goes on to quote Mayor Rob MacDougall about the Fort St. James mill! Nice going, Rob! Not your fault for their mistake, but it shows what happens when one town screams, yells and hits the streets and the other town doesn't. Pretty obvious that a more activist approach should be endorsed at the next Council meeting.
More about the Court ruling is included in the Citizen article including this juicy tidbit:
PT Pindo Deli's lawyer Nicholas Hughes told the court during the hearing that his client should not be “tarred” for cancelling a separate deal with Pope & Talbot for three of its pulp mills. He also said if the deal goes ahead the Fort St. James mill could be operating in three months.
The receiver disputed that timeline as being too short considering other issues that needed to be resolved.

AP&P blowing smoke or confirmation that the troops will be out all summer even with the best possible result of all this. Explains why the govt's are considering EI extensions (a dole) but not considering shelling out money to hire the unemployed to clean out some of the deadwood.
---read the miscaptioned story


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