-image from opinion250.com shows disparity between replanting, the harvesting of beetlewood and the amount of beetlewood over the years.
Idea for Keeping Forestry Workers Working
John Betts, Executive Director of the Western Silvicultural Contractors Association has an idea. It boils down to using gov't money to remove the pine beetle killed wood, maximize replanting, and stockpile the wood so that it can be utilized later, for whatever purpose or buyer.
That would keep loggers and planters working, and could utilize out of work mill workers and keep them in the industry they're familiar with, in the area they live. It waould also greatly reduce the risk of fire and give a headstart on new growth as replanting is atrone of it's lowest levels in years.
--- more at opinion250.com
It would require the BC Liberals to loosen their policy of no intervention or direct public funding, but it appears to be the most common sense idea to come up yet.
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